


学习语言就是为了终有一天能和憧憬的对象语言相通的一天啊。🤤 憧憬,是距离理解最遥远的感情。😎

该笔记基于此课程: 英语的平行世界官方学习指南丨学习顺序(图文版) - 哔哩哔哩


1、一般情况下,动词原形词尾加 -ed

例词 过去式形式
work worked
play played
want wanted
act acted

2、以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d

例词 过去式形式
live lived
move moved
taste tasted
hope hoped

3、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed

例词 过去式形式
stop stopped
plan planned

4、以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed

例词 过去式形式
study studied
copy copied
cry cried
carry carried



例词 进行时形式
work working
sleep sleeping
study studying
go going
play playing
know knowing
walk walking
eat eating
beat beating
sing singing


例词 进行时形式
take taking
make making
dance dancing
write writing
arrive arriving
come coming


例词 进行时形式
cut cutting
put putting
begin beginning
run running
stop stopping
prefer preferring


口诀:现在进行ing,以e 结尾要去e,除去几个特殊词,系住tie-tying死去die-dying要躺下lie-lying,直接ie变成y.

例词 进行时形式
lie lying
tie tying
die dying

G001 名词复数



可数名词单数 : coat, dress, job, hat


可数名词复数规则变化 :
①+s: coats, jobs, bats
②s,x,ch,sh结尾+es: dresses, boxes, watches, dishes
**③辅音字母+y结尾,y→i+es: **city→cities, baby→babies
④元音字母+y结尾,加s: boy→boys, play→plays
**⑤O结尾,有生命的+es,无生命+s: **potato→potatoes, tomato→tomatoes , photo→photos, zoo→zoos
⑥f, fe结尾,变f,fe为ⅴ再加es: wife→wives, leaf→leaves
可数名词复数不规则变化 :
①man→ men Child→ children foot→ feet
②单复数同形: deer, fish(同种鱼) fishes(不同种鱼)
**③只有复数:**people, police

**不可数名词:**air, water……

G002 be动词的数

第一人称单数: am **其否定形式: ** am not
**例: I am a fish. ** **I am not a fish. **
I am a good boy. I am not a good boy.
其否定形式: aren’t
例: 第一人称复数: We are /We’re family.
第二人称单数:You are /You’re a pig.
第三人称复数:They are/They’re (例:The students are)
**第三人称单数: **is
其否定形式: isn’t
例:He is / He’s
She’s / She’s
It is / It’s (例:The cat / book is)

That / This相当于It,所以是 This is ,That is

These / Those相当于They,所以是 These are,Those are

G003 动词的数


时态: 一般现在时 主语: 三单 谓语: 三单
always, often, usually, sometimes, never, he ①+s: rains, snows, likes
every time, every day, every minute, she ②s, x, sh, ch, o结尾+es: guesses, fixes, washes, teaches,goes, does
once a week / month…… it ③辅音字母+y结尾,y→i+es:Fly→Flies, carry→carries
④不规则: have→has


  1. I learn English every day.(learn)
  2. She learns English every day.(learn)
  3. Morty studies English twice a week. (study)
  4. Morty teaches English on the internet. (teach)
  5. Summer goes to school by bike. (go)
  6. The sun never shines in winter. (shine)
  7. I have a dream. (have)
  8. We all have a dream. (have)
  9. Morty has a dream. (have)

G004 动词时态初级

①+ed: answered, played, looked
②不发音e结尾+d: arrived, moved, telephoned, (seeseed**)**
③重读闭音节,辅元辅结尾,双写辅音字母+ed:stopped, planned
④辅音字母+y结尾, y→i+ed: carry→carried, study→studied


G005 形容词副词的级

原型: 比较级: adj./adv. 最高级: adj./adv.
small ①+er: smaller ①+est . smallest
tall taller tallest
soon sooner soonest
large ②不发音e结尾+r larger ②不发音e结尾+st largest
nice nicer nicest
big ③辅元辅结尾,双写辅音字母+er bigger ③辅元辅结尾, 双写辅音字母+est biggest
hot hotter hottest
pretty ④辅音字母+y结尾,y→i+er prettier ④辅音字母+y结尾, y→i+est prettiest
busy busier busiest
expersive ⑤ 双音节或多音节前+more或+less more/less expersive ⑤双音节或多音节前+most/ least most /least expersive
important more/less important most/least important
quickly ⑥大部分副词的比较级 quickly→more quickly **⑥大部分副词的最高级: ** quickly→most quickly
good/well ⑦不规则 better ⑦不规则 best
bad worse worst
little less least
many/much more most

G01 名词短语


句子 = 主语(成分)[词性n.名词] + 谓语(成分)[词性 v.动词]


名词短语 = 限定词 + 修饰词 + 主体词


  1. 冠词: a/an,the

  2. 形容词性物主代词: my,his

  3. 名词所有格: one’s,Tom’s

  4. 指示代词: this,that

  5. 不定代词: some,every,another

  6. 基数词: one,two

  7. 疑问代词: what,which

限定词 修饰词 主体词
a good boy
a boy
1.countable(可数名词 good boys
复数形式省略限定词) boys
2. uncountable(不可数名词 good news
省略限定词) news
3. 专有 china
名词 Tom
the rich 笼统 people
the best 明显 student
these books


  1. 可数名词复数

  2. 不可数名词

  3. 专有名词


  1. 笼统
  2. 明显


  1. 限定词+修饰词+主体词:a good boy,a beautiful day

  2. 限定词+主体词:a boy,the weather

  3. 修饰词+主体词:god boys,comfortable weather

  4. 主体词:boy,time

  5. 修饰词+修饰词+主体词: American country music

  6. 限定词+修饰词:the rich,the good,the bad,the ugly

  7. 限定词+修饰词+修饰词+主体词:a bright promising future

  8. 限定词+限定词+修饰+主体词:all those best memories

G02 感叹句


What [词性] .n is your name?

What [词性] .adj nationality are you?

What [词性] .n pains us trains us.

Whatever [词性] .adj mistakes you may make, trust yourself.

How [词性] .adv are you today?

I wonder how [词性] .adv? (这里的how也可以看做是一个名词,因为wonder是一个及物动词,但是也可以看做是一种省略,比如说是I wonder how he did it. 所以这种情况下how仍然是一个副词)


what + 名词短语 +(主+谓)

How + .adj / .adv / .v +(主+谓)


What a beautiful world it is / was / will be !

What good boys / interesting boos / beautiful girl they are! (后面用主语是they说明你得用可数名词复数,又因为是两个空,所以你可以在可数名词复数前面加一个形容词)

What a day / good boys / good news!

What news / weather ! (因为后面只有一个空,而且又是在what后面只能填名词,所以只能填一个不可数名词,因为不可数名词可以不加限定词, 也可以是可数名词复数,比如What boys!)

  1. What beautiful weather!
  2. How beautiful the girl is!
  3. What beautiful music!

(beautiful weather 和 beautiful music都是名词短语所以用what,而beautiful是形容词,所以用how,后面the girl is是主谓)

G03 可数与不可数名词


1. city cities:以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es
2. class classes:以s, x, ch, sh结尾,+es
3. leaf leaves:以f / fe结尾,把f / fe变为v再加es
4. tooth teeth:不规则变化,类似的还有foot变成feet
5. potato potatoes:类似的还有tomatoes
6. child children:不规则变化
7. box children:不规则变化
8. match matches 同2
9. knife knives 同3
10. German Germans 正常+s
11. sheep sheep 单复数同形,类似的还有fish, Chinese, Japanese 各种不同的鱼fishes,deer可以deers或者deer
12. Chinese Chinese 同上


13.一群孩子 a group of children
14.十杯牛奶 ten glasses of milk 因为glass可数,milk不可数
15.六碗米饭 six bowls of rice 因为bowl生下来就是碗的样子,所以可数,而rice虽然也是一粒粒的,但是你吃它的时候,都是数不清的一群
16.五杯茶 five cups of tea 茶基本上还是水,杯子它妈把它生下来就是不杯子
17.九块面包 nine pieces of bread 法国那种长面包可以用loaf,表示一条。面包就是面粉兑水,都不可数,生下来也是一块,一条,一坨的
18.一副眼镜 a pair of eyeglasses 眼镜因为是两个镜片,所以只有复数形式才能表示眼镜
19.八块木头 eight pieces/blocks of wood 树有固定的样子,但是木头没有。另外woods意思是树林、森林。ps:不是半藏森林
20.多种植物 various/all kinds of plants


  1. I want to buy ____.

A. two bottles of ink
B. two bottle of ink

D. two bottles of inks

  1. They don’t have to do ___ today.

A. much homework
B. many homeworks
C. many homework
D. much homeworks

  1. There are three __ and seven __ in the picture.

A. cows, sheeps
B. cows, sheep
C. cow, sheep
D. cow, sheeps

  1. Sheep ___ white and milk ___ also white.

A. is, are
B. are, is
C. is, is
D. are, are

选B 因为sheep单复数同形,而sheep前没有加限定词说明这里是复数,而milk是不可数名词

  1. Here are __ for you, Sue.

A. potatos
B. some potatoes
C. three tomatos
D. some tomato

  1. How wonderful! The __ is made of ___.

A. house, glass
B. house, glasses
C. houses, glass
D. houses, glasses

选A house可数,但后面用的is说明应该用单数,后面玻璃不可数

  1. Maths ___ an important subject taught in the middle school.

A. are
B. is
C. was
D. were

选B 数学是一门学科,看作单数。数学是一门重要的学科,是讲一般的状况,所以用一般现在时;后面的taught是非谓语作后置定语,不是过去式

  1. Two *____* and *____* are studying Chinese at Beijing University.

A. German, English
B. Germans, English
C. Germans, Englishmen

D. Germen, Englishmen

选C German的复数+s,英格兰人是Englishman,复数Englishmen

  1. Don’t hurry! We still have ___ time left.

A. little
B. few
C. a little
D. a few

选C time次数是可数的,表时间不可数,这里是表时间,不可数。而little和a little修饰不可数名词,前面说Don’t hurry!说明时间还不急,little表否定概念,表示几乎没有时间了;而a little表肯定概念,表示还有些时间

  1. This is an interesting ___.

A. news
B. information
C. work
D. job

选D 因为前面有个an,说明要接可数名词,这里面只有D是可数名词

G04 人称代词


主格 宾格 形物代 名物代 反身代
I me my mine myself
You you your your yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its itself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours yourselves
They them their theirs themselves


  • This is my.


  • This is his.


  • This is his book.

正确。his book为名词短语,可以做表语

  • You is mine.


  • Yours is mine.

正确。yours指你的某样东西,比如说your money,可以接is

  • Yours are mine.

正确。yours也可以指your books,所以说可以用are

  • Its a cat.

错误。its是形物代或名物代,不等同于it is,改成it’s就正确了

  • My parents always care about me.


  • You should take care of you.


  • It’s he.


  • It is he who should be blamed.


G05 指示代词


  1. There he is— that is him.

    that; 首先,there be句型其实是一种完全倒装,不清楚的朋友去看G35,而我也说了,人称代词不用倒,所以这个句子是There he is,而不是There is he. 其次,there表达一个相对较远的距离,所以用that

  2. This is Morty. —How do you do.

    This;how do you do是第一次见面打招呼用的,说明前面在介绍,介绍用this is

  3. Hello, is that Jim? —This is Tom speaking.

    This;how do you do是第一次见面打招呼用的,说明前面在介绍,介绍用this is

  4. You can’t be too careful these days.


  5. I will never forget those days.


  6. No, not him. I don’t mean the Mr. Smith.


  7. He’s just not that into you.


  8. One of the most important questions they had to consider was that of public health.

    that;这个句子相对较复杂,这里面还夹杂了一个定语从句“they had to consider”在修饰questions,引导词that做consider宾语被省略了,注意这里只能用that,因为前面有最高级;这句话的意思是他们不得不考虑的最重要问题之一是公共健康的问题,所以应该填the question,为避免重复,用that来替代

  9. Success and happiness belong to those who can realize their own strengths.


  10. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals.


G06 不定代词 & 疑问代词

代词 含义 例子
some 某些,一些 Could you give me some advice?
any 任何,一些 Do you have any questions?
no 没有 There is no milk in the fridge.
every 每个 Every child deserves a good education.
each 每一个 Each student needs a pen and a notebook.
all 所有的 All the guests have arrived.
both 两个 Both of my parents are doctors.
either 任一 You can take either of these paths.
neither 两个都不 Neither of us speaks Spanish.
one 一个 I would like to buy that one, please.
another 另一个 Can I have another piece of cake?
other 其他的 The other day, I saw your sister at work.
many 许多的 There are many people waiting in line.
few 很少的 There are few opportunities like this.
several 几个 I have several things to do today.
most 大多数 Most of the students passed the exam.
none 没有 None of the cookies were left.
复合不定代词 body thing one
every everybody everything everyone
some somebody something someone
any anybody anything anyone
no nobody nothing no one


1.There’s some butter in the fridge.

some 因为butter不可数

2.There weren’t any books in the house.

any 因为books可数,且否定句(some和any都表一些,some用在肯定句,any用在否定和疑问)

3.Would you like something to eat?

something 这里虽然是疑问,但是暗含提供某物的意思,希望得到肯定的回答,用something比anything真诚

4.Have you got any friends here?

any 这里friends是复数,且疑问句

5.There’s someone who wants to see you.

someone 意思是有一个人想见你,后面是定语从句,也可以用somebody,但someone更舒服,更常见

6.We didn’t have anything to drink.

anything 这里是否定

7.Do you know anything about her?

anything 这里是疑问

8.There is some food, but not much drink.

is, much 前面food不可数,后面drink也不可数,意思是有一些食物,但饮料不多

9.a few people arrived before the party started, but not many. (little, a little, few, a few, many, much)

a few,many 意思是一些人提早到了,表肯定概念,但是不多,人可数,所以用many

10.We only have litte time left.

little, time不可数,only表否定概念

11.There are only few people at the beach.

few, people可数,only表否定概念


12.____the twins enjoyed __ at the party yesterday.

A. Both, them
B. Both, themselves
C. Neither, them
D. All, themselves

B,twins是两个人,enjoy oneself表示玩得开心,因为前面已经有她们了(the twins),所以后面得用反身代词

13.Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a cup of tea? ___ , thanks. I’d like a cup of water.

A. Either
B. Neither
C. Both
D. None

B 表两个都不喜欢

14.Would you like __ milk in your tea? Yes, just ___ .

A. any, little
B. some, a little
C. much, a few
D. a little, some

B Would you like这种句型表提供某人某物,希望得到肯定回答,所以用some,后面加一点儿,just a little

15.____ is Lili like? Oh, she’s tall and thin.

A. How
B. Who
C. Which
D. What

D What’s Lili like,不是Lili喜欢什么,而是她长什么样?不是问她是谁,她是哪个

16.Who is playing the piano in the next room? __ is Li Ping’s brother.

A. This
B. That
C. It
D. He

C 在某人不在场,彼此没见面的情况下,不用he,用it。比如说你敲门,别人问,who’s this? 你回答,it’s me

17.– Is this your shoe? – Yes, but where is ______?

A. the other one

B. other one

C. another one

D. the others

A the other (one)表示两者中的另一个

18.There are many trees on_______ side of the street, and_______ of the trees is still growing.

A.both; the number

B.either; the number

C.both; a number

D.either; a number

B 因为side用的单数,所以用either,用both也可以表示两者都,但得用sides;另外…的数目是the number of, a number of 是许多的意思

G07 数词

基数词: one,two,three

整数 1,2,3
小数 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
分数 分子用基数,分母用序数:1/3 one third
分子大于1, 分母变复数:2/3 two thirds
百分数 100%, 80%


one first
two second
three third
five fifth
eight eighth
nine ninth
twelve twelfth
twenty twentieth
thirty-one thirty-first
forty-nine forty-ninth
fifty-eight fifty-eighth


eight去掉t,再加th,就变成eighth;nine,去掉e,再加th,就变成ninth;f变ve其实是ve变f,为了押韵,比如five,就变成fif,再变成fifth;同理,twelve就变成twelfth;变y为ie的意思是,forty,变成fortie,再加th,变成fortieth. 这里要注意,four变成十四是fourteen,但变成四十是forty,中间少了一个u,这种细节要注意。其他整十的数以此类推。


12.December is the twelfth month of the year.

13.The beautiful skirts are on show in the shop, Jane likes the ninth. (9)

14.Rick is in his fifties. (50)



15.It took me _____ to finish my homework.

A. a half and two hour

B. two hour and a half

C. two and a half hour

D. two and a half hours

D. 表达2.5个小时有两种方法:1,two and a half hours,因为two and a half>1,所以接hours;2,two hours and a half,这种是two hours and a half hour的省略形式,因为hour重复了

16.Tom bought _ for himself yesterday.

A. two pairs of shoes

B. two pair of shoe

C. two pair of shoes

D. two pairs shoes

A. pair是双的意思,可数,鞋子也可数

17.December _ is Christmas.

A. twenty-five

B. the twenty-fifth

C. the twentieth-five

D. twentieth-fifth

B. 12月的第25天是圣诞节,第X天,是特指,前面要加the,然后第25是把twenty-five变成序数,是twenty-fifth,而前面的twenty不用变成序数形式

18.There are _____ students in their school.

A. nine hundred

B. nine hundreds

C. nine hundred of

D. nine hundreds’

A. 具体的数不加s,笼统的数才加s. 比如500–five hundred;成百上千–hundreds of

19.There are _____ words in the text of the _ Lesson.

A. hundred of, Fifth

B. a hundred of, Fiveth

C. hundreds of, Fifth

D. hundreds of, Fiveth

C. 前面一百个,和几百个单词都可以,一百个单词是one/a hundred of,几百个是hundreds of; 后面是第五课,用序数词,第五是the fifth,结合前面讲的顺口溜f变ve


20.80% of the students passed the exam. 主语
21.How many books do you want? I want five. 宾语
22.Seven plus five is twelve. 表语
23.There are six books on the desk. 定语
24.You two follow me. 同位语/代词

G08 不定式、动名词、句子以及“形式主语”之始末

不定式 To learn English well is very important
动名词 Smoking is bad
句子 That you are a pig is a fact
  1. 作主语看作单数
  2. 头重脚轻时,用it作形式主语/宾语


1.One-third is a number.

is. 三分之一是一个数字,数字看作单数

2.One-third of the students have come.

have. 三分之一的学生已经来了,学生是复数,学生的三分之一也是复数

3.One-third of my time is wasted.

is/was/has been wasted. 三分之一是主语,它的后置定语是时间,时间不可数,所以不管是时间的三分之一还是三分之一的时间都不可数。当然你甚至也可以说是将要被浪费,而用will be也是可以的

4.To see is to believe.

5.Seeing is is believing.

6.That my class has sixty students is a fact.

4-6 is. 不管是不定式、动名词还是句子,做主语都看作单数


原型 修改后 解释
7.To look after my sister is a burden. It is a burden to look after my sister 不定式to look after my sister做主语,用it来代替,改成:It is a burden to look after my sister.
8.I think to look after my sister a burden. I think it a burden to look after my sister. I think是主谓,to look after my sister是宾语,a burden是宾补,注意: 宾语和宾补之间不用加动词。这个句子是宾语太长,所以应it做形式宾语,
9.I think that to look after my sister is a burden. I think that it is a burden to look after my sister. I think是主谓,that是引导词,引导宾语从句,后面是一个完整的句子,从句里面 to look after my sister是主语,is a burden是系表。这里主语太长,用it做形式主语,改成:it is a burden to look after my sister. 再把前面的I think that加上
10.We all think that she didn’t come here a pity We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here. we主语,all 同位语,think谓语,that she didn’t come here宾从,a pity宾补,宾语太长,用it作形式宾语
11.Complaing without taking action is no use. It is no use that complaing without taking action is no use. 这里主语是动名词,太长,用it作形式主语

G09 判断主语【主语从句、形式主语】


  1. 80% of the singers have finished their performance.


  1. Most of the singers invited to the party are from American.

Most,不定代词. 这个和80%的道理是一样的,most是不定代词,非常笼统,of the singers把它变小了,是后置定语

  1. There were many people sleeping on the beach.

many people, 名词短语. there be句型的本质是倒装,be动词后面的才是它的主语

  1. Those were best memories.


  1. Care of the soul is a gradual process.


  1. He who laughs last laughs best.

He,人称代词; who,(关系)代词. 这里是一个定语从句,主句的主语是He,从句的主语是who

  1. That she will go is certain.

That she will go,主语从句she,人称代词

  1. Three would be nice.


  1. Sit down please.

You,人称代词. 这是祈使句,主语You被省略了

  1. All that is needed is a supply of oil.

All,不定代词; that,(关系)代词. 这是个定语从句,that is needed修饰all,all是主句主语,that在从句里面做主语

  1. Gone are the days when we were young.

the days ,名词短语we,人称代词. 这是一个倒装句,the days倒到are后面了,原句为The days are gone. 后面是一个定语从句,从句主语为we

  1. To be or not to be, that is a question.

that,指示代词. To be or not to be怎么理解是难点,to be 和 not to be都是不定式,不定式有名词词性,而这个to be or not to be等同于question这个抽象名词,所以说做同位语;或者你也可以理解成是that的同位语,但是理解成question的同位语更好

  1. To be a teacher is my dream.

To be a teacher,不定式

  1. Being a teacher means a lot of responsibility but a lot of joy as well.

Being a teacher,动名词

  1. It is no use crying over spilt milk

It,形式主语,人称代词; crying over spilt milk,真主语,动词名

  1. What pains us trains us.

What pains us,主语从句; What,(连接)代词. 这是个主语从句,所以What pains us,整体做主语;主语从句内部,What又做pains的主语

  1. What I want to say is that they don’t really care about us.

What I want to say,主语从句; I,人称代词; they,人称代词. What I want to say是主语从句做主语;I是主语从句内部的主语;they是that引导的表语从句的主语

  1. All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us.

All,不定代词; I,人称代词; they,人称代词. 这个句子是定语从句+表语从句。I want to say修饰不定代词all,引导词that由于在从句做宾语省略了,All在主句中做is的主语;I在定从中做主语;they在that引导的表从中做主语

G10 定语(定语的本质、后置定语、定语从句)

前置定语: a good boy, America country music [单个独立]
后置定语: a boy under the tree [短语句子]


1.The boy under the tree is Tom. 介词短语
2.The house built last year is impressive. 过去分词短语
3.The man next to me is a scientist. 形容词/介词短语
4.There are many clothes to be washed. 不定式短语


5.I have nothing to say.

6.The stadium being built is bigger than the one before.

being built修饰the stadium很明显,而before修饰the one则不容易看出来,这又是一种省略,原来的句子应该是the one that was built before. 进而可以省略成the one built before,或者直接the one before.

7.80% of the guests have come.

8.The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.

9.The man sitting next to Mr. Smith is Jason.

10.All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us.

11.Among the biggest problems faced by those remote mountainous villages is the lack of experienced teachers.

这个句子又出现了。首先faced by…修饰the biggest problems;其次,of…修饰the lack.

12.All that is needed is a supply of oil.

that is needed;of oil. 同第10题,区别在于,第10题that在从句做宾语被省略了,而这个句子that做主语不可以省略,两个都是定语从句。另外of oil也在修饰a supply

13.Care of the soul is a gradual process in which even the small details of life should be considered.

of the soul;in which even the small details of life should be considered;of life. 首先of the soul在修饰care;其次 in which引导的是定语从句在修饰 a gradual process;最后,of life在修饰 the small details

14.The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those whose lives were affected.

of the earthquake;of those;whose lives were affected. 首先of the earthquake在修饰stories;其次,of those在修饰eyes;最后whose lives were affected在修饰those

15.Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of my teachers at Junior High school.

首先Ms Shen’s method是名词短语做主语,of teaching把它变小,这是第一个后置定语,翻译的时候要变序,译为:沈老师的教学方法。

其次,is是系动词,nothing是表语,这是一个主系表结构。所有人都没有看出nothing其实是不定代词,我说了笼统的名词有三种,名词短语,不定代词和数词。nothing也是非常笼统的,那么它后面的like that,就在修饰它,所以like that也是后置定语。

而that这里替代的是the method,因为教学方法一定是和教学方法拿来比较。为避免和前面的Ms Shen’ method重复,所以用that来代替,那么that也笼统,所以of my teachers就在修饰that,也是后置定语

最后这里my teachers也笼统,at Junior High school在修饰my teachers,也是后置定语。

所以最后我们的结论是of teaching;like that;of my teachers;at Junior High school 都是后置定语,这是纯粹理性的判断。


Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing(沈老师的教学方法是nothing,什么都不是

Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that(沈老师的教学方法是像那种教学方法的nothing

Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of my teachers(沈老师的教学方式是像我的老师们的教学方法的nothing,意译过来就是沈老师的教学方法和我的老师们的教学方法一点儿也不像

Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of my teachers at Junior High school. 最终的意思就是沈老师的教学方法和我初中老师们的教学方法一点儿也不像

G12 动词分类 (助动词、实义动词、系动词)


be动词 + doing/done(动词形式)

am is are was were be

情态动词 + do(动词形式)

  1. 不单独构成谓语
  2. +do
  3. 无人称变化
  4. 有本身含义
can will shall may must need
could would should might have to dare

狭义助动词 + do(动词形式)

do does did

完成助动词 + done(动词形式)

have has had


动词类型 后面必须加什么 结构 例句
及物动词/vt. 宾语/O 主谓宾/SVO I eat an apple.
不及物动词/vi. 不加宾语 主谓/SV The cat sleeps.
不及物动词/vi. 加介词/prep. 主谓宾/SVO She listens to music.


表状态 表感官 表变化 表像
be feel become seem/appear
stay taste get
keep smell turn
remain look go


G13 be动词,动词分类


am,is, are, was, were, be

be动词的不定式:to be





7.Don’t be shy.

8.Being a teacher means a lot of responsibility.

9.Don’t worry; be happy.

10.She had had supper when I invited her yesterday.

11.She has a dream to be a dancer.

无。或者说to be里面的be可以算是系动词,has是实义动词。

12.She did do her homework.

13.She has done her homework.

14.She did have done her homework.


15.Does she do have done her homework?


16.Get up now.


17.It‘s getting late.


18.May you happy.

在happy前面加be,May you be happy. 因为may是情态动词属于助动词,不能单独构成谓语,后面的happy是形容词也不可以构成谓语,所以加一个系动词be,表状态。

19.Today a good day, I am happy.

没错。这句话是一个坑,故意整大家的,其实没错。当然你在Today后面加一个is,再把“,”改成“;”或者加一个“and”也是对的,但是Today a good day并没有错,它是我高级语法才会讲到的独立主格结构

20.I think it a good story.

没错。这是另外一个坑。大部分人可能想在it 后面加一个is,这是对的。这是宾从I think that it is a good story省略了that的样子。但是不要is也是对的,a good story做宾补,或者看做it的同位语都可以。

21.I must say he might right.

might后面加一个be,I must say (that)he might be right. 和18题同样的问题,might是助动词,right是形容词,前面加一个be,才能算是正确的句子。因为助动词不能单独构成谓语,助动词+系动词就可以构成谓语了。这里之所以加系动词be,是因为他可能是正确的不表具体动作,所以用主系表结构。

22.I’m sorry I should do it.

I’m sorry I should have done it. 我表示抱歉的内容应该是我本来应该做而没做的,而不是我将来应该做的。

G14 及物动词vt.与不及物动词vi.


判断 答案
1.Don’t bother me. vt. 因为bother后接了me
2.I’m writing a book. vt. 因为write接了宾语a book
3.I am writing. vi. 因为没有接宾语,就是在写作,写东西。没有强调具体在写什么东西。
4.I usually get up at half past eight. vi. 没宾语。
5.I got up late today. **vi.**没宾语,late是状语。
6.It’s getting late. 都不是,这里get是系动词,表变化。
7.If you don’t speak English, go home. **vt. vi.**speak接English及物;home是副词,所以go不算接了宾语,还是不及物。
8.Let’s go hiking. vt. 接了动名词hiking做宾语。
9.She is gone. **vi.**没有接宾语,这里gone是vi done,表完成。也可以算作一个形容词,做表语。
10.The food has gone bad. 都不是。系动词,表变化。
11.That’s all I have. **vt.**这个其实是个定语从句。主句That’s all. 完整。这里的that不是引导词,就是主语。后面的I have是从句,修饰笼统的不定代词all,然后从句have是及物动词,缺宾语,而定语从句引导词本来应该是that,但它做宾语被省略了。原句:That’s all that I have.
12.That’s all I have got. 都不是 。助动词,还是定语从句,have完成助动词,辅助got构成完成时。got是及物动词,缺宾语,引导词做宾语省略了。
13.That’s where I study. vi. 这里就是学习,没有特别指学习什么。
14.That’s where I studied English. vt. 这里studied的对象是English,所以及物。
15.That’s what I study. vt. 这个主句是That’s,后面缺表语,是表语从句。从句里面study及物动词,缺宾语,what做了它的宾语。
16.That’s where I was educated. vt. 这里was educated,被动即完整,整个句子的意思是,这里我接受教育的地方。虽然被动即完整,但是不能磨灭educate是及物动词这个事实。实际上,只有及物动词才能够有被动语态。所以只要看到被动语态,说明它就是及物动词了。
17.Leaves turn yellow. 都不是。系动词,表变化
18.At last, the doctor turned up. vi. turn up这里是出现,露面的意思 ,没有接宾语。
19.Could you please turn up the radio? vt. 这里turn up接了宾语the radio,意为调高收音机音量。
20.I can use a cup of coffee. vt. use这里就是喝的意思,宾语是a cup of coffee.
21.Tell me what use this machine can be of. 名词。这是一个坑。这是“一人得道鸡犬升天”模型。这是一个宾语从句。从句里面主语是this machine,谓语can be,表语of what use. what use做of的宾语,what是形容词,修饰名词use.


  • I reached in Chengdu at 10:30.


  • She has arrived home.


  • She arrived in the airport at 19:30.

。arrive不及物动词,接宾语需要加介词,但是接the airport用介词at.

  • I have no place to live.

。原则是是错的。因为no place是名词短语很笼统,to live做后置定语。但逻辑上live和place是形成动宾关系(具体高级语法再讲),而live是不及物动词,不能直接加place,所以需要在live后面加一个in. to live in no place.为什么说原则上是错的,因为实际文章当中,因为用得太多,in也可能被省略了。但理论上应该要有的。

  • I have no one to talk.

。和上面同样的道理。to talk修饰no one. 逻辑上是动宾关系,to talk no one. 但是talk是不及物,不能直接接宾语,要在talk后加一个to/with.

  • I have no one to turn.

。和上面同样道理。turn to no one,所以在turn后面加to.

G15 谓语的构成


  1. 实义动词(词组)单独构成谓语

  2. 系动词单独构成谓语

  3. 助动词+实义动词/助动词+系动词一起构成谓语



要求 例句
4.be+doing做谓语 he was going to play a game
5.be+done做谓语 She**’s gone** from my life
6.be+being+done做谓语 Your car is being washed.
7.情态动词+do做谓语 I will take care of it
8.情态动词+do+doing做谓语 They may be coming for us. 这里的do有点误导人,其实be也是do形式,do代表所有动词的原形,所以be也算一种do.
9.情态动词+do+done做谓语 You shall be fired tomorrow
10.情态动词+do+done+doing做谓语 I will have been learning English for 15 years by the end of 2020. 这种时态有点变态,不要求掌握哈
11.狭义助动词+do做谓语 She did come yesterday
12.完成助动词+done做谓语 The students have all come
13.完成助动词+be动词+done做谓语 My composition has been handed in
14.助动词be+系动词be做谓语 I am being your man./ She is being sick.
15.情态动词+系动词做谓语 I can be the one./ I can be your man.
16.狭义助动词+系动词做谓语 You do look great today
17.完成助动词+系动词做谓语 Morty has been an UP since last year

G16 助动词的作用(过去、进行、完成、被动)


句子 作用
1.My job is teaching English. 。is是系动词,表状态。
2.He is learning English. is.表进行
3.I am to meet her at the school gate. am. 表将来。be to do是可以表将来的,而且表很确定的马上要发生的事情。
4.Your job is easy. 。is这里是系动词,表状态。
5.We are what we eat. 。are是系动词;eat是实义动词。
6.What is rewarded is repeated. is; is. 两个都表被动。be+done表被动。
7.The weather has turned cold. has. 完成助动词表完成。turned是系动词,表变化。
8.What needs to be done has been done. has; been. has表完成;been表被动,因为后面接的是done.
9.Last night, we had great fun. 。这里had是实义动词。
10.I have been doing homework all day. have; been. have表完成;been表进行,因为后面接的doing.
11.Whatever he says, don’t believe him. don’t. 表否定。
12.Do you really need to be interviewed? Do. 表疑问。
13.I did come for advice. did. 表强调。
14.I will never forgive you. will. 表将来。
15.If you can dream it, you can do it. can; can. 表将来,表主观意愿。
16.You have never thought about it, have you? have; have. 第一个have表完成;第二个have表完成和疑问,主要表疑问,而且是反义疑问。
17.Be a man! 。be是系动词,表状态。
18.You‘ve been crazy. have. 表完成。been不是助动词,是系动词,表状态。
19.My boss is flying to Beijing tomorrow. is. 表将来。请注意,be doing也可以表比较确定的将来。
20.My boss is having a meeting. is. 表进行。
21.When she hurried to the party, the guests had already left. had. 表完成。注意:这里不用说had表过去,过去是动词的天然属性,had天然表过去,就像have天然表现在一样。

G17 虚拟语气基础




时态 转化方式
一般现在(do, does) 变成一般过去(did)
一般过去(did) 变成过去完成(had done)
一般将来(will do) 变成过去将来(would do
现在完成(have/has done) 变成过去完成(had done)
过去完成(had done) 无法前移
过去将来(would do) 变成过去将来完成(would have done)



-If I were you, I would ask the teacher for help.




-How about robbing a bank?

-OK, if you went there, I would go with you.



-If you had apologized to her, she wouldn’t have been so angry.


G18 倒装句基础(部分倒装、完全倒装)










9.把整个谓语提到主语前,叫做完全倒装; 仅把助动词提到主语前,实义动词/系动词放主语后,叫部分(半)倒装。



  1. The teacher came in and the class began.

In came the teacher and the class began.


12.The boy is reading a book under the tree.

这个句子虽然有方位介词under the tree,但没法倒装。因为方位介词提前是诱发句子完全倒装,所以如果倒装,句子将变成:Under the tree is reading the boy a book. 这个句子明显很奇怪,所以这个句子要么不倒装,要么改成Under the tree the boy is reading a book. 就可以了。也就是说,方位词提前诱发句子完全倒装得先满足句子**主干是主谓**(SV)结构才行,而主干是主谓宾(SVO)结构则不行。

13.The boys rushed out.

Out rushed the boys.


14.They rushed out.

Out they rushed.


15.Students are permitted to go out only accompanied by adults.

Only accompanied by adults are students permitted to go out.


16.He didn’t read a single book that month.

Not a single book did he read that month.

这里的否定副词是not,提前诱发句子部分倒装,但是不能单独提not,不好,not a single book以前提前读起来更顺畅。

17.I realized only then the importance of math.

Only then did I realize the importance of math.

这里only then是否定副词,提前诱发句子部分倒装。所以我们得把realized拆成did和realize才行,再把did提到主语I的前面就可以了。

18.I remembered all this only after she was seen no more.

Only after she was seen no more did I remember all this.


19.I have never told anyone about it before, I have nor tried to explain to myself why not.

Never have I told anyone about it before, nor have I tried to explain to myself why not.



A small piece of paper was in the middle.

The words “English Writing Prize 1949: History Is a Series of Biographies.” were written on the paper.

最简答的改法当然就是两个句子间加一个and就可以了,但是这个改法太普通了。我们观察第一个句子里面有in the middle,这是一个方位介词,这就提醒我们可以完全倒装。所以变成:In the middle was a small piece of paper. 第二句话就不明显了,但特别观察的话,还是可以发现on the paper是一个方位介词,所以这个句子也可以完全倒装,变成:On the paper were written the words “English Writing Prize 1949: History Is a Series of Biographies.” 但问题的关键是怎么把这两个句子结合起来,我们可以发现,这两个句子里面都有paper,所以我们可以把on the paper改成on which,这样就变成了定语从句里介词+which的情况了。所以最终我们可以得到一个非常漂亮的句子:

In the middle was a small piece of paper on which were written the words “English Writing Prize 1949: History Is a Series of Biographies.”


G19 非谓语之上帝视角(抽象思维)


项目 内容
be的不定式形式 to be
be的动名词形式 being
be的现在分词形式 being
be的过去分词形式 been
动词原形抽象成 do
动词第三人称单数抽象成 does
动词过去式抽象成 did
动词不定式抽象成 to do
动名词抽象成 doing
动词现在分词抽象成 doing
动词过去分词抽象成 done


动词短语 抽象
to be a better man to do
would have been persuing did
brought did/done
broke did
building doing 虽然building有可能是名词,但是我题目中说了抽象下列动词,所以我们默认为它是动词。
had been built did 单独的had是可以抽象成did和done的,但因为这后面的been也是done形式了,没有done done形式,我们反推had是过去式;或者你直接看出had been built是过去完成时,所以得出had是did形式也可以。
built did/done build是ABB型。过去式和过去分词一样,都是built.
built the building did built后面接了宾语,说明是主动的,主动是did.
can be done do 不要被后面的be done所迷惑,你直接看can就可以了,can相当于动词原形,所以说整个短语也是一种谓语形式。
could come did
come do/done come是ABA型,动词原形和动词过去分词长一样。但现实句子当中come基本是do形式,因为come如果为done形式的话,前面肯定有完成助动词have/has/had.
has come does
ate did
found did/done/do 这个题有点特殊,首选found可能是find的过去式或过去分词形式,所以可能是did或done,又因为found本身也是一个动词原形,它是建立的意思。
founded the association did 这里found是建立的意思,它是ABB型,它的过去式和过去分词都是founded,又因为founded接了宾语,说明是主动,主动是did.
founded in April done 这个短语的意思是四月被建立,因为found作建立讲是及物动词,及物动词一定要接宾语,没有接宾语的话说明就是被动,被动就是done. 这里也不可能是找到、发现的意思,因为find的被动形式是found,不是founded.
spoken done
shut do/did/done shut是AAA型。
run do/done run是ABA型,同第22题,基本上run是do形式。
driven done drive是ABC型,drive, drove, driven.
being busy doing


33.It is hoped that the report made by Mr.Chen, the engineer, will stimulate the students’s interest in electronic computer.

is hoped抽象成does; made是被动,抽象成done; will stimulate抽象成do

34.The news that China has successfully launched a new experiment communications satellite is very exciting to the people all over the world.

has launched抽象成does; is抽象成does.

35.Having seen the world, I know what I want.

having seen抽象成doing; know和want抽象成do.

36.Seen from my view, the problem is not difficult.


37.To see is to believe.

to see和to believe都抽象成to do;is抽象成does.

38.Does she look like an actor?

does look,抽象成does.

G20 非谓语动词的本质















13.不及物动词的过去分词vi done 表: 完成

14.及物动词的过去分词vt done 表:完成/被动


eg:I want to go home.

to go home.不定式

15.He is asked to give the lazy boy a lesson.

to give the lazy boy a lesson.不定式。

16.The man was claimed to have been badly treated.

to have been badly treated.不定式。

17.Your being lazy recently annoys me.

being lazy.动名词。因为这里being lazy做的主语,所以是名词词性,所以是动名词。

18.Being lazy, I failed to get up this morning.

Being lazy现在分词;to get up,不定式。因为Being lazy在句中做的状语,所以是现在分词。to get up做宾语。

19.Having seen the world, I know what I want.

Having seen the world. 现在分词,因为做的状语。

20.I just had my hair cut.

cut.过去分词,vt done表被动。

21.I found the leaves fallen.

fallen. 过去分词,vi done表完成。fall是不及物动词。


22.I heard someone (sing) just now.

singing.根据just now判断应该是刚正在唱,这里是现在分词做宾补,但这题也可以用sing表唱歌的全过程。这个具体知识点在“非谓语难点下”有讲到

23.The report (make) by Morty made us (laugh).

made; laugh. 这里made by Morty是后置定语,属于非谓语,made表被动,是过去分词。laugh是因为make sb. do sth. 具体讲解在“非谓语难点下”。

24.She is sitting by the lake, (listen) to the music.


25.Suddenly,I (notice) that a man (sit) at the table next to the window kept (glance) in my direction, as if he (know) me.

noticed; sitting; glancing; knew. 这道题考验大家的综合能力,首先I是主语,所以后面notice得用谓语形式,根据题意可以看出这件事已经发生了,所以用noticed;sitting at the table放在名词短语a man后面做后置定语,这里sitting是现在分词;keep doing sth.表持续做某事,因为kept是a man的谓语形式,根据一山不容二虎,所以glance用了现在分词形式;因为as if是引导词,所以后面又可以接一个主谓结构了,而he是主语,所以后面可以接谓语形式,这件事发生在过去,所以用knew.

G21 非谓语难点/改错(上)


  1. do/does/did:doing
  2. 系+表:
  3. be done:done
  4. be doing:doing
  5. 情态动词+do:to do


6.David pointed to a path which he thought would probably leading to a village.


7.Charles and Linda Mason do all these things as well as climbed building.

climbed改成climb;****或do改成did. as well as是and的意思,两边的时态要对称。

8.In those days we were forced work twelve hours a day. 

work前面加to;be forced to do sth.被强迫做某事。因为你被强迫做某事一定是在被强迫之后,所以是将来的,也就是不确定的。

9.Walk quickly is difficult for an old man. 

Walk改成Walking. 这里is是谓语,前面是主语,所以动词原形Walk错了,且这里讲的是一个一般的事实,所以说用动名词形式。

10.Be careful in cross the street. 

cross改成crossing. in是介词,后面加动名词形式,做它的宾语。

11.The film is very interested. 

interested改成interesting. 电影很有趣,是令人觉得有趣,不是电影自身对某个东西感兴趣。

12.The Wild Goose Lake is worth see twice.

see改成seeing. be worth doing sth.意为值得做某事。这里做这件事是有价值的,是表达一个确定的概念。

13.To cooking is not easy.

To cooking改成Cooking;****或把cooking改成cook. 动名词或不定式都可以做主语。

14.Things keep changed.

changed改成changing. keep doing sth.坚持/保持做某事。一直在做的某件事一定是确定的,所以用的doing.

15.The room is been painting.

been painting改成being painted. 这句话的意思是这个房间正在被粉刷,某事正在被做,应该是is being done.

16.Before listened to radio, he read newspapers.

listened改成listening. 这个句子中,before看作是介词,所以后面用动名词形式,而read的过去式也是read,所以可以不算错。

17.Do you love laying in bed?

laying改成lying. 躺下lie的动名词和现在分词形式都是lying. 这里喜爱某件事,是确定的,所以算是动名词形式。

18.I find this book interested.

interested改成interesting. 我发现这本书很有趣。

19.Modern people know more about health, have better food, and to live in clearer surroundings.

to live改成live. know, have和 live三个动词由and连接,是并列关系。

20.These are the problems I have been experienced.

experienced改成experiencing. 题意为:这些是我一直在经历的问题,我经历是主动的。

21.We are both looking forward to be going on vacation next week.

把be去掉; 或把be改成being. 因为look forward to里面的to是介词,所以后面用ing.

22.The driver has been trying start the car for nearly an hour.

start改成to start. try to do意思是尽力做某事,try doing是试着做某事。他已经花了半个小时了,所以可以看出不是抱着随便试一试的态度,而是尽力做了,所以用to do.

23.That building being repairing is our library.

repairing改成repaired. 这个句子being repaired做The building的后置定语,意思是正在被维修的建筑,正在被修用being done.

24.To answer correctly is more important than finish quickly.

finish改成to finish. to answer和to finish对称。

25.The book is said to have translated into many foreign languages.

have translated改成have been translated. 这句话的意思是据说这本书已经被翻译成了很多外文了。被翻译,所以加been.

G22 非谓语难点/改错(下)

某人(主语) 看见(谓语) 某人(宾语) 做某事(非谓语)
subject let,make sb 正在做**(doing)**
watch,notice 做完了**(to do)**
to do是不确定的,做完了是确定的,所以省略to
see,have 被做**(done)**


I saw her go into the room

she was seen to go into the room


1.Never stop to look for the laws which control facts.


2.We have heard of your having done something for our class.


3.She’s going to the photographer’s to have her photograph taking.


4.The boy was seen play on the sports ground.


5.The boy was seen playing on the sports ground.


6.I heard someone sing a revolutionary song when the school was over yesterday afternoon.

7.Be a man.

being a man

8.Be a teacher is not an easy job.


9.Do you mind me smoking here?

to smoke

10.Do you mind I smoke here?


11.Mother warned him not touch the electric lamp.


11.I spoke to him kindly so as not frighten him.


12.You’d better to have your television set repairing .


13.You’d better have your television set set.


14.He was made wash the boss’s car once a day. 


15. I’ll let you to know as soon as I hear from her.


16.What I want know is when all this happened.

17.I heard him says so.

18.I heard he says so.

19.Did you notice the little boy took the candy and ran away?


20**. ________** more attention,the trees could have grown better.(give)

21.Professor Black had us ________ compositions every Friday.(write)

22.This book isn’t well written. I don’t think it worth ________ .(buy)

23.The house needs ________ but we plan to wait until next summer to do it.(paint)

24.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ________ about it.(think)

25.The blind man stood ________ by the side of the road.(beg)

26.When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped ________ and got ready for class.(talk)

27.Because of my poor English I’m afraid I can’t make myself ________ .(understand)

28.She promised *________* in the bedroom until the baby stopped *________* .(stay;cry)




副词修饰1.动词 2.形容词 3.副词 4.句子 在句子中作5.状语(成分)

副词是词性;状语是成分。副词绝大多数情况下都是作状语,而状语除了副词以外,还可以由6.介词短语 和7.句子 充当。

常见的频率副词有:always,8.usually,often,9.sometimes, seldom, hardly, 10.never.






18.Though she is a child, she knows a lot.


19.The more I can do for the class, the happier I’ll be.


20.He talks as if (as though) he knew all about it.


21.He is such a good teacher that the students love and respect him.


22.I shall go to the park unless it rains.


23.I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.


24.Where there is water, there is life.


25.He studied hard so that he could catch up with his classmates.


26.Since you are very busy, I won’t trouble you.


27.Even if (though) I fail. I’ll never lose heart.

28.Once you begin the work, you must continue.

29.Although the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm.

G24 状语的本质


如果对方式状语提问,我们倾向于用 how;

而伴随则强调我们在做某事的时候 同时 发生了一个什么状况


最能体现让步状语本质的连接词我个人认为是:even ifeven though

让步状语是说话的人自己设想了一种最 糟糕 的状况,都能满足,何况其他 更好 的状况,所以产生了让步。






Money 4.earned is a byproduct of value creation.



原因状语和 条件状语发生在行为/动作之前;

目的状语和 结果状语发生在行为/动作之后;剩下的状语都发生在行为/动作之中。

























G26 宾语的产生










以上讲的宾语都是我们平时学习里所提到的宾语,我把它称之为:17.狭义宾语; 而在介词短语做的除谓语外的其他成分,如定语和状语中,我把介词后面的名词成分称之为:18.广义宾语(这个知识点没理解不影响)

G27 动宾和介宾


  1. We should listen to our parents.

    our parents;should listen to 是谓语,our parents名词短语做介词宾语。

  2. I believe that you are telling the truth.

    that you are telling the truth; the truth; 宾语从句,做及物动词believe的宾语。在从句中the truth做are telling的宾语。

  3. They began studying computer last week.

    studying computer; 动名词做及物动词began的宾语。

  4. Tell me whether you like it or not.

    me; whether you like it or not; it; me人称代词宾格,做及物动词tell的间接宾语;whether you like it or not 句子,做tell的直接宾语;it做like的宾语, like在从句里面也做谓语,所以它的宾语也算狭义宾语。

  5. I bought twelve.

    twelve; 数词,做bought 的宾语。

  6. We have learnt to ride the bike.

    to ride the bike; 不定式做have learnt的宾语。

  7. She only laughed at what we said.

    what we said; what; what we said 句子,做laugh at的宾语,所以说是宾语从句。what在从句里面做said的宾语。

  8. He promised to come.

    to come; 不定式做 promised 的宾语。

  9. Got it.

    it; 宾格,做got的宾语。

  10. It is no use crying for spilt milk.

    无。这个句子是it做形式主语,原来的样子是Crying for spilt milk is no use. 是一个主系表结构,没有宾语。需要注意的是,spilt milk做了crying for的宾语,可以看做是广义宾语。

  11. Take it or lose it.

    it; it; 前面的it做take的宾语;后面的it做lose的宾语,都是动宾。

  12. What she said is not true.

    what; 这是一个主语从句,在从句what she said里面,what做了said的宾语。

  13. I am not the one you love.

    that/who/whom; 这是一个定语从句,引导词在从句里面做宾语被省略了。原句为:I am not the one (that/who/whom) you love. 需要注意的是the one不是宾语而是表语。当然也可以说这个句子里面没宾语,因为被省略了。

  14. My name is Morty.


  15. We all love you Morty.

    you; 人称代词宾格,做love的宾语,Morty是you的同位语。

  16. I bought a book yesterday.

    a book; 名词短语做bought的宾语。

  17. Listen! Someone’s singing.


  18. She likes singing.

    singing; 动名词做likes的宾语。

  19. She likes to sing.

    to sing; 不定式做likes的宾语。


  1. Animals can often react more appropriately than they otherwise would to situations they encounter if they draw on generalizations from past experiences of similar situations.



用字母表示主谓间宾直宾:1. S V IO DO


第一,2. 双胞胎 准生证:即谓语动词是:3. vt2

第二,两个宾语是4. 个主体

第三,两个宾语可以5. 交换顺序

主谓直宾+间宾的时候,直宾和间宾中间要+6. to 或7. for

判断加什么介词的方法分别是:8. 参与(to)和9. 不参与(for)


  1. tell;11. give;12. make;13. ask;14. show


15.bring sb.sth.= bring sth.to sb.


16.award sb.sth.= award sth.to sb.


17.book sb.sth.= book sth. for sb.


18.choose sb.sth.= choose sth. for sb.


19.owe sb.sth.= owe sth. to sb.


20.serve sb.sth.= serve sth. to sb.


21.fix sb.sth.= fix sth. for sb.


22.pick sb.sth.= pick sth. for sb.


23.fetch sb.sth.= fetch sth. for sb.


24.offer sb.sth.= offer sth. to sb.




Tell me how to run the machine.要用不定式做直宾,最好带上一个特殊疑问词, 比如说how.


Show me what you got. 这是Rick and Morty有一集里的句子,大石头怪,在空中,要毁灭地球,要地球人展示才艺,当时他就说的这句话:Show me what you got.


I’ll give whoever comes first a gift. whoever comes first就是间宾从,a gift是直接宾语。


I’ll give whoever comes first whatever he or she wants. whoever comes first是间宾从,whatever he or she wants就是直宾从。当然这种句子是很少见的,这是我硬造出来的。意思是:我会给任何先到的人他/她想要的任何东西。

G29 宾语补足语






6.We elected him monitor.


7.I’m going to paint it pink.


8.You made me blue.


9.She made me a fool.

a fool; 名词

10.I found her out.

out; 副词(在外面)。当然也可能是形容词,就是过时的意思。

11.I think it right.

right; 形容词

12.I think it right to learn English well.

right; 形容词。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to learn English well

13.My mum ordered me to learn English well.

to learn English well; 不定式

14.The teacher thought this good advice.

good advice;名词短语。这个句子读起来会有点奇怪,this是宾语,good advice和this是一个主体,补充说明它,这就是一个好的建议。而advice是不可数名词,所以前面没加a.

15.You should keep your room clean and tidy.

clean and tidy; 形容词

16.The man found himself in the middle of nowhere.

in the middle of nowhere; 介词短语

17.He opened the window to let the fresh air in.

in; 副词。怎么区别in是介词还是副词呢,有个很简单的方法就是看它后面跟了东西没,如果是介词一般后面会跟名词短语。

18.I’m sorry to have you waiting for so long.

waiting for so long; 现在分词短语。have sb.doing sth.让某人一直保持做某事。

19.I always try to make my lessons as easy as possible to make myself understood.

as easy as possible; 副词; understood 过去分词。其实easy是在补充说明lessons的,应该是形容词,但是as…as又在修饰easy,又是副词,所以这个东西了解下就可以了,不必纠结。

20.The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.

tied behind his back; 过去分词。这个句子和前面讲的不太一样。这个是介词with后面的宾语his hands的宾补,因为his hinds就是被绑起来的,所以是一个主体。



一个句子 做宾语叫做宾语从句

宾语从句按照我的体系可以分成 6

它们分别是介词后的宾从叫 介宾从

vt1后面的宾从叫 动宾从

vt1+宾从+oc(宾补),这种从句因为宾语头重脚轻,我们可以用it作 形式宾从

vt2后面需要接两个宾语,两个宾语都可以变成宾语从句,分别叫做 间宾从直宾从

第六种是主系表之后的宾从,我们称之为 形容词宾从


9.I can’t understand what he said.

动宾从。因为 understand是及物动词(vt1)

10.I can’t understand all he said.

定从。这个句子不是宾从,因为宾语是不定代词all,而它很笼统,后面he said在修饰它,所以是定从,而引导词that被省略了。

11.I think that you are a pig.


12.The truth is that you are a pig.


13.I am afraid that you are a pig.

形容词宾从。afraid是形容词,am afraid是系表结构。

14.What we are talking about is that you are a pig.

表从。is是系动词 ,后面接表语。

15.He is sure that you are a pig.

形容词宾从。sure是形容词,is sure是系表结构。

16.Show me what you got.

直宾从。这个句子是祈使句,主语被省略了。show是vt2,me是间宾,what you got作直接宾语。

17.I’ll give a gift to whoever comes.

间宾从/介宾从。这个句子有两个理解方法。第一还是看做双宾语结构,give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. 这里的sb.就是间宾,而它变成一个句子当然可以叫做间宾从;第二种理解就把to看做一个介词,所以说是介宾从。

18.We are talking about whom we can trust.


19.I think it important to learn a second language.

这个句子是it做形式宾语,但却不是形式宾从。因为it代的是to learn a second language,这个是一个不定式。

20.We all think it a fact that Liwenliang is a good man.

形式宾从。这里it代的是that Liwenliang is a good man.这个句子。而a fact是宾补。

21.We are curious about when the virus can be killed.

介宾从。不过这里与18题不同的是18题是talk about这个动词短语后面的介宾从;而这题是be curious(系表结构)后面的介宾从。



eg: I will buy you whatever this street sells.

I will buy whatever you want for you


We find it a trouble that novel coronavirus spreads so quickly.

I find it important to get my own computer






被动即完整,说的是谓语后面的成分,而不是指其前面的主语部分,比如单看was cleaned,是缺主语的(填主要成分)





6.I showed her.

不完整。一般来看是不完整的,因为show是vt2,需要两个宾语,应该是show her sth. 但特殊的语境下,比如你展示了她,那么也可以算作是完整的。

7.I was shown.


8.The movie was shown.


9.The movie has been shown.


10.I was interested.


11.It was interesting.


12.I was interested in.


13.I am afraid.


14.I choose; I like.


15.The letter was delivered.


16.is being repaired.

不完整。虽然is being repaired是被动,但被动即完整是指其后面不缺成分了,但是前面还是缺主语的。

17.My uncle is repairing.


18.My sister is watching.


19.The house built last year.

不完整。built是ABB型,也就是说它既可能did(谓语);也可能是done(非谓语)。如果它是done形式 ,那么这个句子没有谓语,不完整;如果它是did形式,那么它是及物动词,后面缺宾语,所以不完整。

20.It is reported.


21.It is reported that the virus has been found.

完整。注意这个句子不是宾语从句,因为is reported是被动即完整,后面不缺宾语。而这个句子是it做形式主语的主语从句。

22.I have spoken.



23.Morty delivered the message.

The message was delivered (by Morty).

24.Morty has delivered the message.

The message has been delivered (by Morty).

25.Morty sent Rick a message.(Rick做主语)

Rick was sent a message (by Morty).

26.Morty sent Rick a message.(A message做主语)

A message was sent to Rick (by Morty).

27.Morty told Rick that the message had been sent.

Rick was told (by Morty) that the message had been sent.




see, watch, notice, have, observe, make等动词做谓语,后面如果有动词做宾补,且在表示动作全过程时,要满足,主动省to,被动还原



8.She made me a fool.

I was made a fool (by her).

9.I think it reasonable.

It was thought reasonable (by me).

10.It sounds plausible.


11.We all wish you well.

You are wished well by us all.

12.I had my hair cut the other day.

My hair was had cut (by me) the other day. 可以很容易的看出,这个句子不适宜变成被动。不是所有的句子都适合变成被动的,必须要强调动作的被承受者的时候才比较适合,而这里强调明显不是my hair,如果要强调my hair,直接用my hair was cut the other day就可以了,不需要用在have sth. done.这个句型中。

13.My mum made me do it.

I was made to do it (by my mum). 这里就是主动省to,被动还原。

14.I saw her dancing in the rain.

She was seen dancing in the rain (by me).

15.Marsellus Wallace, my boss, asked me to take her out to do whatever she wanted.

I was asked by Marsellus Wallace, my boss, to take her out to do whatever she wanted. 这里要注意,to take her out to do whatever she wanted. 才是主语补足语。

16.I found him out.

He was found out.

17.They painted their house pink.

Their house was painted pink.

18.We all believe it a disaster that he would do such a stupid thing.

It is believed a disaster by us all that he would do such a stupid thing. 这里要注意,a disaster才是主语补足语。原来的句子it是形式宾语,a disaster是宾补,而that是真正的宾语从句。



I saw them go into the cinema.


I saw them watching a movie.











10.It sounds plausible.

plausible, 形容词做表语

11.To be or not to be, that is a question.

a question, 名词短语做表语

12.All I have to do is dream.

dream, 这里很多同学可能会觉得莫名其妙。首先这是一个定语从句,这一步很多人都看不出来了。主句是All is dream.完整且all是不定代词,很笼统,I have to do修饰all,所以说是定从,引导词只能是that,因为先行词是不定代词,且that在从句中做do的宾语,所以被省略了。然后is是系动词,所以dream是表语。但第二个难点是dream是动词原形,怎么可能做表语?其实它是to dream的省略,前面的意思是我不得不做的一切就是做梦。这里的意思倾向于表达唯一了,因为我能做的一切就只是这个了,意思就没有他选了,所以to被省略了,还不懂的请去看《非谓语难点下》。这里你可以当做固定搭配,就是“不定式做表语时,如果主干部分有do的任何形式(这里All I have to do, 有do),那么表语的不定式得省略to”如果这个句子把do改成choose等其他非do的词,那么to就不能省略,比如:All I have to choose is to dream.

13.What I have to do is dream.

dream, 同上,不过是主语从句了。

14.I like dreaming.


15.You must be dreaming.


16.You are my dream.

my dream, 名词短语。

17.You are dreaming.


18.Your dream is mine.

mine, 名词性物主代词。

19.Now and forever, I will be your man.

your man, 名词短语。

20.I’m here waiting for you.

here, 副词,waiting for you是伴随状语。

21.My money is right here, in my pocket.

right here, in my pocket. 这两个都算,right here算副词,in my pocket是介词短语。

22.My only choice is to hand in my work.

to hand in my work,这里就是前面讲的不定式做表语,因为前面没do,所以这个to不能省略。

23.It seems that all the waiters in the restaurant know about him.

。这个句子可以算作it做形式主语的主语从句,而seems看做不及物动词,所以没表语。当然也可以把it当成抽象的主语,seems是表像的系动词,所以that all the waiters in the restaurant know about him可以看做表语从句。

24.I am being his boyfriend.

his boyfriend, 名词短语。这里需要注意的是am是助动词,being是系动词。

25.The truth is that I have never been in her heart.

that I have never been in her heart; in her heart. 首先这是一个表语从句,这很容易看出来;从句里have是助动词,been是系动词,所以in her heart是介词短语做的表语。

26.The code is 89757






5.The answer is _.(adj)

eg: right; wrong; correct; interesting; plausible; undoubted 只要是形容词且说得通都可以哈。

6.The answer is _.(adv)

eg: here; there 这个范围比较有限,注意以ly结尾的副词不能做表语。

7.The answer is _.(prep)

eg: in my pocket; on the next page 等。

8.The answer is ___.(that引导句子)

eg:that you will never get what you want. 用that引导表语从句,只需要后面的句子成分和意思完整就可以了,that在名词性从句中不做成分。很多人无法理解,因为我说了从属连词要引导从句,且在从句中做成分。然后很多人就说that没做成分呀。其实不做成分也是一种成分,类似于数学中的0的概念。当然这个句子也可以写复杂一点,只要你能驾驭,比如说:The answer is that you will never get what you want without being good enough to deserve it.

9.The answer is _.(名词短语)

eg:a myth; a surprise; a comfort.

10.The answer is _.(宾格)

eg: him; her; me; 比如说,我们猜谁是凶手,答案是他,就是him. 人称代词作表语要用宾格。

11.The answer is ___.(名物代)

eg: mine;theirs; 比如有人问,这狗是谁的,答案是我的,他们的。注意,形物代是不可以单独用的,必须后面加一个名词,而名物代相当于形物代+名词的结果。This dog is mine 就相当于This dog is my dog.

12.The answer is _.(指示代词)

eg: this; that

13.The answer is _.(不定代词)

eg: no; none; not much; everything

14.The answer is _.(what引导句子)

eg: what really matters; what we’ve been looking for; what troubles me.

15.The answer is _.(不定式)

eg: **to study hard; to wear a mask everywhere.**比如说怎样阻止新冠病毒,The answer is to wear a mask everywhere. 当然你可以说复杂一样,比如:to wear a mask wherever you go or whomever you are meeting with.

16.The answer is _.(动名词)

eg: washing your hands twice a day; loving her like a child; treating him like a friend; living each day as if it’s the last one of your life.

17.The answer is ___.(数词)

eg: five; 80%; 911

G35 There be句型


在我的体系里,there be翻译成:


there be的实质是把方位介词提前,诱发了句子的完全倒装,再用there来替代这个方位介词(表语)

there be里面的be动词可以有不同的时态与形式,因此可以翻译成不同的意思:

there was/were 以前/曾今

there has/have been 已经

there used to be 以前/曾今

there will be

there must be.肯定

there seems/seem to be 似乎

二、把下列there be句型换成原来的样子

12.There is a bird in the tree.

A bird is in the tree.

13.There you will be.

You will be there. 完全倒装的时候,如果主语是人称代词,则不倒。

14.There is going to be a meeting tonight.

A meeting is going to be there(in the meeting room)tonight. 很多时候There be句型只是单纯强调有,而不强调在哪里了,这已经不是重点了,比如有一场会议,一般是在会议室,但是通知开会的时候,你只会说什么时候有个会,你不会说什么时候有个会在会议室,因为每次都在会议室,那已经不重要了,除非换了个地方开会,那肯定得说出来,总之就是there be句型不强调地方的时候,可以不用说出来。

15.There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.



On the top of the hill has been a big tree.


A big tree has been on the top of the hill.


16.There used to be a church across from the bank.

A church used to be across from the bank.

17.There doesn’t seem to be much hope.

Much hope doesn’t seem to be there (in our lives/in our company/in this situation).

三、把下列句子改成there be句型

18.A beautiful girl named Liziqi lived at the foot of the mountain.


At the foot of the mountain lived a beautiful girl named Liziqi.


There lived a beautiful girl named Liziqi at the foot of the montain.


19.A small village lies between the mountains.

There lies a small village between the mountains.

20.A rumor that Covid-19 comes from 5G technology seems to be across Britain.

There seems to be a rumor that Covid-19 comes from 5G technology across Britain.

21.Some money happened to be in my pocket. That’s what we call serendipity.

There happened to be some money in my pocket. That’s what we call serendipity.

G36 同位语




同位语从句三要素主语谓语宾语 (这些是后面的知识)


  1. I, Luozhixiang, am your man.(名词短语)

  2. I hate you, Morty.(名词短语)

  3. You two follow me.(数词)

  4. We both/all got it wrong.(不定代词)

  5. It’s my dream to become a billionaire that wakes me up every day.(不定式)

  6. The plan, travelling to her town at Christmas eve and asking her out without informing her in advance, was a disaster.(动名词)

  7. We, you and I, will do it together.(人称代词)

  8. What you said hurt us both/all/each.(不定代词)

  9. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.(句子)


We,15.all/both know the fact 16.that you are a pig/that I am not what you need.

Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class 17.that he 18.himself had to meet his uncle 19.Mr. James at the airport, 20.one far away from town.

G37-38 同位语、宾语与后置定语








12.I hate the boy ______.(同位语


13.I hate the boy ______.(后置定语

who keeps looking at me/keeping glancing in my direction/in red…

14.I think the boy ______.(宾补

my style/my type/my taste/my destiny/my destination/my doom…

15.I hate the boy ______ (同位语)______.(后置定语

Morty; who is keeping calling me recently.

16.I find you 同位语.(宾补

Morty; my lighthouse/my source of happiness.

17.I find the boy 后置定语.(宾补

wearing a hat; a former neighbor of mine.

18.I find the boy ______ (同位语),后置定语.(宾补

Morty; living in Chengdu/ getting up at 5:30 every morning, a bad bad boy.

19.How can you ______(同位语)constantly keep me 同位语.(宾补:介词短语)?

my woman; your man; in the dark